A resounding yes.

We get to work. For the climate. 

Climate protection, environmental protection, sustainable development:
we are doing our bit to protect nature and minimise our ecological footprint.

As wood specialists in particular, we work with one of the most valuable raw materials on earth: wood.
And for this reason alone, we bear a special responsibility. Therefore: a clear yes to more sustainability.

Take a look at what we are already doing. You can rely on us.
Because we don't just talk.We do. And we provide you with proof.

We are FSC®‑certified

It‘s the world's best-known and strictest certification system for forest management.
And we are part of it!

Sustainable forest cultivation. Eco-friendly use of resources.

The FSC®‑label now proves where we have always attached importance to: that our wood products come from responsibly managed forests. From growing areas that are managed according to strict ecological principles. Conserving resources – this helps to ensure that forests are preserved in the long term.

Fair wages. Safe working conditions.

Did you know that the FSC®‑label also stands for social principles? For the protection of labour rights. And for safe working conditions.

The payment of fair wages and a high level of labour protection are a must as part of this certification. We have paid attention to this since the beginning of our cooperation with our Indonesian partners. Now this certification confirms it.

We are expanding our range of FSC®‑certified products for you step by step!

This supports the preservation of forests and social standards for all those who are involved in the producing countries.

You can already find the following FSC®‑certified products in the shop:

Queenply raw / untreated Solid panels MOSO Bamboo Solid wood panels oak

Queenply and MOSO® bamboo solid boards

Clear sustainability advantages over other finishing panels

Sustainable cultivation
The wood for our QUEENPLY

  • Forest growth instead of monoculture
  • Environmentally friendly individual clearing by hand
  • Preservation of the surrounding nature
  • Source of income for local smallholders
  • No use of chemicals
  • High growth rate of the trees
  • High raw material quality for a long service life

Good for nature. Good for us all. Video evidence!

Doing is more important than talking. That's why we personally convinced ourselves of the sustainable cultivation of our Queenply wood in the forests of Indonesia at regular intervals.

Smallholders there only clear individual trees for our panels, never entire areas. And they do this by hand to protect the surrounding nature. So everyone benefits: nature. smallholders. We. And you, of course.

Join Sven on this trips to Indonesia and watch our travel vlogs directly.

To the travel vlog 1 To the travel vlog 2

Sustainable resource
Moso bamboo 

  • Extremely fast growth of up to 1 metre per day
  • Self-regenerating after harvest
  • Sustainable harvesting without clear-cutting
  • CO2 storage and oxygen producer
  • Extremely resilient and versatile
  • Sustainable alternative to any hardwood
  • Relief for the global forest stock

Growth world champion. Fits in with us!

For us, sustainability also means looking for perfect additions to our range for you without compromising on quality.

Moso bamboo is an absolute sustainability hero for us.

This bamboo variety is the fastest growing plant in the world. The annual harvest of the 5-year-old stems even stimulates the growth of the bamboo plant. It sprouts again more quickly and the regrowing bamboo canes are even healthier.

Therefore, in contrast to hardwood, no clear-cutting takes place for the production of our solid boards.

     10 20 40 60 80
Moso bamboo                         

Harvest maturity (in years)

What a CO2 balance!

Moso bamboo absorbs considerable amounts of CO2 during growth and continues to store it even after harvesting.

This is why Moso bamboo products are extremely sustainable materials.

CO2-neutral life cycle.

The Delft University of Technology (Netherlands) has carried out an official study on the CO2 balance of MOSO® solid bamboo panels. The result: all tested MOSO® products are CO2-neutral over their entire life cycle.

Because Moso bamboo is both, extremely resistant and a real competitor to any hardwood in terms of strength and versatility, it is the perfect material for solid finishing panels and an alternative to conventional types of wood.

This also reduces the pressure on our global forests.

Order sustainable TOP SELLER!


Queenply Multiplex White

Lightweight panel. High quality HPL in white. Different sizes. Pearl matt surface.

Zum Produkt

Rubio® Monocoat Oil Plus 2C

High quality maintenance oil. For all Queenply veneers or edges. Environmentally friendly. Only one coat.

Zum Produkt

25mm Massivplatte MOSO® Bambus gedämpft Breitlamelle 3-Schicht

Solid board MOSO® bamboo. Wide lamella. 3-layer.

3-layer finishing board made of extremely stable bamboo. Wide lamella. Steamed. Particularly sustainable.

Zum Produkt

Queenply Bambus Echtholzfurniert mit Sicht auf Mittellage und Oberfläche

Queenply Multiplex Bamboo veneer

Bamboo veneer. Sustainable material. Warm and inviting. Extremely light multiplex.

Zum Produkt

Holds. Sustainable.

The more durable a product is, the more sustainable it is.
And that can only be achieved with quality.

That's why our finishing panels deliver what we promise!

Just take a look at our Instagram or YouTube.
You'll find lots of information there, as well as opinions from interior design professionals.